Black and white split image of a woman's face, featuring a close-up of one eye with long lashes on the left side, and her full face on the right, with hands resting on cheeks, wearing a ring and hoop earring.

Jewelry with Intention


I'm Kathyann and I began creating jewelry because I couldn't find pieces that reflected my current emotions, experiences, and aspirations.

I found a jewelry designer to make a bypass ring with 3 words engraved: Think Do Be. I wanted to be the creator, so I took a CAD jewelry design class. I loved it and kept designing pieces reflecting my journey: finding purpose, self-expression, boldness, and creativity.

Circular logo with spirals and text 'Safari Thompson Designs'.

The Name & Logo

Tafari represents my Jamaican roots and means ‘she who inspires awe’ in Amharic. One of my uncles was a Rastafarian too.

  • Thompson is my Mother’s maiden name.

  • Tafari Thompson is an alliteration like Steven Strange, Matt Murdoch, and Silver Surfer — which totally satisfies my love of all things Comic books.

  • The Triskele is popular as it symbolizes progress and important groups of three: birth-death-new life, Maiden, Mother, Crone, etc.

Things You Should Know About Me

Gold circular pendant with a triskelion design on a chain in front of a cream-colored candle or container.

I’ve been creating jewelry for a decade!

I’m self-taught and genuinely enjoy the process of continuously learning new techniques and skills, proudly wearing my unique designs, and then sharing them with everyone around me.

Black and white photo of a man holding a child; the text "I am Jamaican" is below. An inset shows the Jamaican flag on a map.

I was born in Jamaica

Yes, I’m from Jamaica, and both my parents were born and raised there.. We immigrated to the United States when I was just 6 years old, spending every Summer with relatives back home until I turned 18, which allowed me to maintain a deep connection to my roots.

A glass teapot filled with tea sits on a table next to a stack of books with colorful covers. In the background, a pair of scissors is visible in a desk organizer, and soft natural light comes through a window.

Many of my designs come from fascinating stories and books.

I am consistently reading 2-3 books simultaneously, which includes a combination of hardcover editions, Kindle formats, and Audible audiobooks. Most of my designs are inspired by a unique confluence of events and experiences. This creative process reminds me of Tess in the film Working Girl, who skillfully pulls from several diverse sources that you wouldn’t typically expect to harmonize or work together.

Typewriter typing "Parli italiano?" with Italian flag illustration.

Learning Italian on and off since 2015.

I started with in-person classes on Saturdays in Greenich Village, NYC, followed by a series of sessions with a few different tutors, but unfortunately, I ended up taking too long of a break! Now I’m currently back to practicing again and utilizing the Pimsleur app to enhance my skills. Wish me luck as I set out on this learning journey Part II!